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Es momento de dar un vistazo al pasado y comparador a dos grandes leyendas modernas. Joaquin Phoenix vs Heth Ledger Si quieres más contenido aquí un video interesante sobre el camino de Ash de Pokemon: Puedes seguirme en mis redes sociales: Instagram: TikTok: Tambien puedes seguirme en Twitch: #Joker #versus #guason #thejoker
In 2002 Tobey Maguire took on the role of Spiderman. But there were allot of other actors that Sony considered for the role, actors like: Heath Ledger, Ewan McGregor, Wes Bentley, Chris Klein, Scott Speedman, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jude Law, and Freddie Prinze Jr. Amy Pascal a Producer at Sony revealed that Heath Ledger was one of the actors which they had many talks with for the role. Subscribe for more Comparison, Trivia, Fun Facts, Easter Eggs, Hidden Details about movies, shows, games, manga, anime and more! Let us know if you have a title that you want more movie facts in the comments below! Nexus List Social Media Pages #shorts #spiderman #heathledger #leonardodicaprio
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