ini aku lagi naik patung harimau 🥰 hii serem lo mukanya harimau temen temen
EMOTIONAL ! Lagu yang bikin mereka jadi MERINDING CAKRA KHAN – SKYSCRAPER ( demi Lovato ) reaction Hai gaess … Semoga terhibur selamat menonton Terima kasih yang sudah mampir di channel saya ☺️ Ayo bangun channel ini agar bisa berkembang lagi,mohon bantuannya ya gaes 😂 SUBCRIBE.NYA : Tinggalkan like dan komentarnya juga yah 🙏 Tonton juga video saya yg lain : ✓Vanny Vabila Reaction I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU ✓Vanny Vabila Reaction THE POWER OF LOVE ✓Vanny Vabila Reaction MY HEART WILL GO ON Support and subscribe : Coffee and jam With Krizz Meet Jacky NJ G&T Reactions Virgies Journey and Original video CakraKhan Channel We really appreciate your video content. All images, music and clips in this video are purely from fans. Nothing is owned by us. If you (the owner) of the content want to delete this content, please contact us first by email in the description. Greetings from us. Contact us : There is no content like images, music & clips created / owned by us. This content is purely fan-made. If you (the owner) want to delete this content, please contact us first by email in the channel description and we will remove it respectfully. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER UNDER SECTION 107 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT 1976 “Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for “fair us” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. fair use [More]
oohalloowww everyone!! thank you so much for watching my video and i hope you loved it! ✩ SOCIAL MEDIA ✩ Instagram: @Stasyabwar26 Tiktok : stasya bwarlele business inquiries: Disclaimer: I use music from the YouTube audio library camera: Iphone 12 pro max and 11 pro max Editing Software: Imovie please leave requests down below! like and subscribe if you want :)6
KABAR BURUK / BAIK❓Kun Aguero Gantikan Posisi Lionel Messi di Barcelona, Messi Jadi Pindah ke PSG 😭
HaloHalo kanca-kanca! Piye kabar e? Di video kali ini aku review resep-resep viral yang ada di TikTok!! ————————————————————————————– Cloud Bread: 3 putih telur 10 gr tepung maizena 30 gr gula 1 tsp (7 gr) ekstrak vanilla (opsional) Cara membuat: 1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 160C. 2. Siapkan loyang dengan mengoleskan minyak pada dasar loyang dan beri kertas minyak (parchment paper). 3. Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa. 4. Tambahkan gula, tepung maizena, dan ekstrak vanilla secara bergantian dan selagi tetap dikocok. 5. Kocok putih telur hingga kaku. 6. Bentuk adonan sesuai keinginan. 7. Panggang selama kurang lebih 25 menit. 8. Enjoy! ————————————————————————————– Kylie Jenner’s Instant Ramen: 1 bungkus mie instan (rasa terserah) 1 pcs telur 1 tbsp (13 gr) bubuk bawang putih 1 tbsp (12 gr) mentega Cara membuat: 1. Rebus mie instan pada air mendidih. 2. Setelah mie matang, buang sebagian besar air menyisakan sedikit air untuk membuat saus. 3. Masukkan telur yang telah dikocok pada mie. 4. Tambahkan bumbu dari mie tersebut, bubuk bawang putih, serta mentega. 5. Masak hingga semua tercampur dengan rata. 7. Enjoy! That’s all for today recipe! I hope you guys enjoy it. Stay safe guys! ————————————————————————————– Instagram: florensiastephanus Business inqueries: ————————————————————————————–
SONTOLOYO ‼️ Gara Gara Salto Edan Cristiano Ronaldo, Legenda Juventus Jadi Salah Tingkah di Tribun