Here is the top hottest and sexiest video of Mila Kunis. Watch the top pictures of “Friends With Benefits” Pictures and “Black Swan” actress. Top Rated Mila Kunis Posters That Everybody Is Buying : In 2009, she appeared in the comedy film Extract with Ben Affleck and Jason Bateman. The film received mostly positive reviews, and grossed $10.8 million at the box office. Roger Ebert, while critical of the film itself, wrote that Kunis “brings her role to within shouting distance of credibility.” Director Mike Judge commented that part of what was surprising to learn about Kunis was her ability to make references to the cult animation film Rejected. Judge said: “As beautiful as Mila is, you could believe that maybe she would cross paths with you in the real world.”[65] After seeing Kunis perform in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Judge wanted to cast her in the role of Cindy in Extract: “I just thought, ‘Wow, this girl’s perfect.’ And she really wanted to do it, which was fantastic.” Kunis herself stated that “I’m a huge fan of Mike Judge’s from Office Space, so I was, like, ‘Okay, this is a very easy decision.’ I told them I would do anything needed to be in this production– like craft service, or, say, acting.” In 2010, she starred alongside Denzel Washington in the action film The Book of Eli. Although the film received mixed reviews, it performed well at the box office, grossing over $157 million worldwide. Film critic Richard Roeper